Jason & Wendy McCullough have been married 27 years and have three children; Ages 13, 16 and 20, living in Perth, Australia. Both Jason and Wendy grew up in New Zealand both receiving Christ at a very young age. Jason and Wendy were married in 1997 and soon after became youth pastors within local church life. In 2016 Wendy graduated from Bethlehem Tertiary with a Diploma in family support and continues to work with children as an early childhood teacher. Jason had the call of a Healing Evangelist from a young age, receiving a miracle healing at age 15 from a threatening heart condition. Jason went on to see his grandfather miraculously healed of terminal cancer. After graduating from Faith Bible College age 19, He has continued his journey in seeing people born again, healed & set free in many nations. After returning from a mission trip with Bethel School of Supernatural ministry in 2016, Jason became hungry to awaken people in the community to God's love healing power and launched their ministry Streetawakening. Jason and Wendy are passionate about people receiving revelation of their identity as Son's & Daughter's of God, equipped & empowered in the Holy Spirit to release the presence of God in everyday life.
Street Awakening seek to raise up sons and daughters of God, to train and develop believers to know their identity in Christ and in doing so releasing the kingdom of God into everyday society. Jesus walked amongst the people of the day changing their perception of God by revealing His kindness, favor and love towards them through powerful moves of the Holy Spirit expressed through healing, words of knowledge, provision and all kinds of miracles and wonder.The outworking of these supernatural encounters left people in no doubt that God was intimately interested in their lives and thus, many through His hand of grace came to salvation and an ongoing relationship with Him. 2,000 years on and this ministry reconciliation is still available to all today.